July 2008

“Mommy why don’t you like all bugs why do some of them scare you why don’t you like all bugs mommy? Some aren’t stingyish.” Thank you for allowing me to pop up in your inbox and for reading my words, silly or serious. I appreciate you. ~Heather

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Loaded Questions

July 5, 2008

I have been away from the computer for two days. I thought that I would take a break to gauge how addicted I am. Turns out I’m not that addicted, barely gave it a thought. Then again, I was busy. Maybe if I was stranded somewhere with no hope of an internet connection and not much to do, I’d lose my mind. I’ll have to try that sometime. (But I don’t really need to, since I’m totally not addicted.) Over the last few days, hanging with the family, we’ve played a few rounds of the game Loaded Questions. What a hoot. It’s a very simple game with lots of funny personal questions. You just have to guess who answered what. And laugh. That’s all you have to do. Great game. When the question, “If you had to dispose of a dead body, how would you do it” was asked, there was nothing but […]

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A friend and I were talking about how the 4th of July is kind of like New Year’s. You feel like you have to do something exciting or you’re weird. Maybe it’s because of where we grew up. Where the yearly 4th of July bash was the thing to look forward to. Starting in about 7th grade, we could be found standing around the food-n-fuel parking lot, bangs ratted to oblivion, watching a town of two thousand turn into a town of more like ten thousand. It was very exciting for us to see all of our resort and camping friends, and those that spent their summers with us at their lake homes. Even if we weren’t old enough to drive, we were still so cool. Who knew what friend from another town we might bump into, how scandalous! Who knew where we were going to run into that certain boy? We’d walk […]

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I Need Your Help

July 1, 2008

Yes, YOU! Well, I mean if you happen to be a mom (not that I’m against childless people, I just happen to need to ask the moms a couple of questions). I’m embarking on a bit of an adventure with a friend and I need a moment of your time. So if you could take a few steps with us for awhile as we begin the journey, it would be much appreciated. By me. And someone else, who for now is remaining nameless. She’s overly talented and underly arrogant, so if I say she and I are thinking of writing something together she might feel sheepish. So I refuse to name her. Stop asking. (Maybe I should feel more sheepish too since I say things like “underly arrogant.”) Anyway, GET TO THE POINT, right? If you so happen to be a mom, I need to ask you two quite personal questions. For good […]

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Many, many, many years ago I was the coolest babysitter ever to rock the neighborhood. I did everything, as if I lived in the house of the families I sat for, but not in a creepy way. I loved the kids. I loved my “job.” I washed, dried, folded and put away all the laundry. I did all the dishes. I dusted and vacuumed, organized the toys, and watered the plants. We never had the TV on, we were too busy playing outside or making up cool new games. I had so much energy and there was nothing left undone. I could never sit still. If something needed to be done, I simply could not ignore it.And I didn’t even ignore the kids! I sure was young and lively. Or ADHD. Or Both. (side story: one time after babysitting really late – now I know the parent’s were partying, but then I thought […]

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