all the time is here

August 10, 2011

I wake up thinking about another creative endeavor. I think this makes 5 Big Things I dream to do in the world. Number one is mothering, creating humans that live like this. Then the others, they are all of the other artist parts of me, reaching out and begging to explore the story of this life. I wake up with that new idea and then I feel the tap tap tap of the start to the day and I’m on my feet with breakfast and answering questions and rubbing away the sleep from all of our eyes.

I’m reaching all around.

We talk about finding balance and she has none and neither do I. We talk about accepting that in motherhood and then I think it’s impossible to accept that all at once. The only way to do acceptance is in moments. The balance is not in the big picture. It is in small doses, sometimes on all different days that are too spread apart. The balance is only in those moments that I wake up to see are moments. They all are. Moments of chances to accept things just as they are, stopping time for a flash instead of being yanked ahead by its unrelenting grip.

Stopping time when all around is light and good and when it’s chaotic and hard too. Stopping to know that both are now so they must serve us all because that’s the thing about now, it is meant.

There are brain files I keep flipping through and it’s like there are two different cabinets, one for my family and home and one for my work and dreams that are set apart, my own types of things.

Both of them are full, these cabinets, and sometimes it feels like I’m only flipping through without ever pulling anything out. thwap thwap thwap, my finger pushing tabs, fast fast fast, just skimming and spinning my wheels. Or maybe it’s like pulling out a random folder only to set it down again while the other cabinet starts dancing around, clanging and banging, demanding.  Like how the mornings start.

It takes a deep breath and a digging deep for the acceptance amidst the clamoring and the mess. The dryer lint and fingerprints are attaching themselves to everything, the sides and the handles and the grind of life. They are here with the loud and the other many messes and it is all keeping me only stuck if I’m unaccepting.

I can only live in the moment and then accept the moment as it is if I can breathe deep the now and sometimes I can’t. I have to accept even that. Because with the messes, there is crying and owies and sibling rivalry to pull the moment’s rug from under me. The thing is, it is this knocking down that keeps me grounded.

He says, All you have to give right now is right here. He points at our children and up around our house and it’s true, all the time is here. He says that not because he thinks this is a woman’s place but because we are in the new baby and two other young children part and it is the physically unable to have any hands for anything else part.  I answer, I love that. I want to be right here.  (And yet I want to have one hand poised to pull out a drawer on the other cabinet.)

Acceptance is that it may stay this way for a long while, my hand toward things that spring forth from the other cabinet while the other hand is still happy juggling the story of our family.  I am poised like when you point at something and then forget to put your hand down, to rest it a while. It is suspended in space because it has learned to want to be there.

I am one hand reaching and then the other hand reaching, all the time. I am imbalanced in every now, until I let go and accept the crooked, slanted and reaching parts, all the parts.

If my creative soul did not cry out, I would feel less of this angst. And that is a silence I would never want.  I am this person, created for mothering and art. Two hands reaching and bringing it together, sometimes in moments spread far apart and even accepted for the blink of an eye that both parts will always be.



The boys are in the backyard. They say, bring more mud over here and their clothes are strewn about. Their sister is starting to raise her voice for food from the chair next to me. I take it all in even as I write this. In this moment like all the others, there is beauty all around.


Susan August 10, 2011 at 5:16 pm

This is beautifully written, first of all. Just stunning.

I love the idea of letting the parenting of young children be what it is…all consuming, messy, selfless work. Of not trying to be everything all at the same time. Of letting yourself be a mother for now. I think in this age of “you can have it all, do it all,” this perspective is greatly needed.

But…at the same time, I strive for balance. While lowering the bar and expecting less from myself has been HUGE in managing my anxiety, I still want to be pushed. I still want to create. I still need to teach. I am in the zone when I am teaching. Time flies and I always walk away with such self-confidence and sense of belonging. Without that time for myself, I can’t be who my daughter needs me to be. I deserve to be the real me…and she deserves to see me be happy and whole.

denise (aka goose) August 10, 2011 at 5:27 pm

mav, i related to this post, your sentiments, your thoughts soooo much. knowing that we all try to balance with wobbly, uncertain steps, helps all of us. me. and you. i love the imagery of still pointing after you meant to stop–my ideas rush me like that, trying to hang on in my frontal lobe before they fall off, screaming as they drop, “please remember me”.


Teresa August 10, 2011 at 8:58 pm

I love the photo! Beautiful!

hyacynth August 10, 2011 at 9:03 pm

So wonderfully written from the reality of a creative heart. Seasons, yes? There are seasons. I keep saying this to myself. Over and over. {And over and over.}

Kelly August 10, 2011 at 11:21 pm

I was recently told that now just isn’t the right time for all the things my mind and heart crave; that during this young-child-parenting years, I just can’t be all the things that call to me.

I prefer your way of saying it: That one hand is reaching for creativity even as the other hand is reaching to pour more milk into an empty cup … and that’s okay. We don’t have to reach with both hands in the same direction to feel the fullness and beauty of this life.
Kelly recently posted..Creepy Ass Kids

Leslie August 10, 2011 at 11:37 pm

This is beautiful. All of it. Thank you for sharing it with us.

anymommy August 10, 2011 at 11:42 pm

I love you and that beautiful little girl and her cutie leg warmers. Yes. Gorgeous. I had similar feelings last year after the craziness of New York. xo.
anymommy recently posted..Stepping back, moving forward

Megan at SortaCrunchy August 11, 2011 at 6:03 am

That file box illustrations is the most spot-on description of the tension of mothering and art that I’ve read. It perfectly describes what so many of us feel and experience.

Our theme for the summer was “creating summer,” and I think if I’ve learned anything at all, it is that if I’ll just refocus the lens, almost everything I do is creating in some way. Making dinner, drawing with the girls, picking up some needlepoint … it’s not enough, really, to fully satisfy the artistic urge, but it’s enough to keep it fed, bits and pieces, while we live out this season. With one child in school and the other in her last year at home all day, there is a new urgency to enjoy the days I have.

I just erased a whole bunch of stuff because I think maybe I’ll write about this, too.

This is gorgeously spoken, Heather. Absolutely. Yes all over it.
Megan at SortaCrunchy recently posted..seasonal

Galit Breen August 11, 2011 at 9:26 am

I feel this with every beat of my heart.

Wow am I glad that i’ve made my way over here. It feels like coming home.

Galit Breen recently posted..About #BlogHer11

Jennifer August 11, 2011 at 10:15 am

You amaze me. You put your finger on what I’ve been feeling lately. So hard to quiet that creative part of you, and so difficult to attend to it when you have small kids.

I expect you will win all sorts of awards for your writing one day. It’s simply breathtaking.
Jennifer recently posted..At Home Moms and Asian Orange Chicken

TheKitchenWitch August 11, 2011 at 10:25 am

Wow, how did you marry such a wise dude? I am impressed. From one reaching girl to another.

ps: as I began writing this, a gi-nomous robin flew into my sliding glass window with such force that it crapped all over the glass surface and now lies, motionless, on my patio. Niiiice. I’m pissed off about having to clean up the detritus but also wicked happy not to be Robin today. Does that qualify as balance?
TheKitchenWitch recently posted..In Defense of the Curse

Wendi August 11, 2011 at 12:23 pm

SO good. This put words to what I feel every single day. The creative being that I am, mingling with the mommy person, and some how trying to not only coexist, but thrive and be both…
Wendi recently posted..I’m not living the life I planned…

Diana August 11, 2011 at 8:06 pm

Beautifully written post! The picture is very fitting too. It’s one of those priceless moments when we need to just enjoy life moment by moment.
Diana recently posted..Reiki for Beginners

Katherine @ Postpartum Progress August 12, 2011 at 9:46 am

I SO relate to the two cabinets. I have the same two cabinets that pull at me, gnaw at me, call to me. Why can’t I do everything in both cabinets at once?

Sarah@EmergingMummy August 12, 2011 at 11:48 am

How do you know how to open the drawer that has my own heart in it and just spill it out here, too? *sigh* Me, too, mama. Thank you for every word of it.
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Christine @ Coffees & Commutes August 12, 2011 at 1:03 pm

God I felt my own gut wrenching open as I read this, because I know it so well and you just articulated it so well. For me it’s home, work, me, tugging, pulling, drawing too many breaths and not enough breaths. But you ARE doing it don’t you see, it’s in the way you give in, it’s in the beauty of the stolen moments here, it’s in the very noticing. I promise. xoxo
Christine @ Coffees & Commutes recently posted..Review: This beautiful life

Jen August 13, 2011 at 9:39 pm

Yes yes yes yes yes. Without the creative life there would be less angst. But it would be far too quiet, wouldn’t it? Love this. There IS beauty all around. And sometimes we must force ourselves to TAKE IT ALL IN. Hugs to you.

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