We ended up not talking about the kids. I got curious about things I didn’t know, from life Before Us and so I asked a lot of questions and Ryan told me about road trips and moving to Arizona and the last time he saw his Grandma. I told him some stories too and we never run out of them, you know, if we just keep digging.
I remember my Grandpa saying that he learned something new about my Grandma every day. I couldn’t really believe that at the time but now I see, we all have so many many layers of experiences and parts to us.
We were walking to the car after dinner and we laughed about how we had told new stories and we made jokes like, Apparently we were people before we made people. I said, Hey…we didn’t even talk about the kids very much at all. That’s weird. And he said Yeah, and the way he said yeah was like he was sort of sad about that.
Then it just came out, not in a proud sort of way, but I said that our kids are very lucky to have us.
It was a rare thing, to pay a compliment to us, the two who are always feeling so small in the face of the enormous Parenting. But it’s true, they’re lucky. Almost as lucky as we are.
This is the 23rd installment of Just Write, an exercise in free writing your ordinary and extraordinary moments. {Please see the details here.} I would love to read your freely written words so join me and link up below. You can add the url of your post at any time. Just be sure it’s a link to your Just Write post, not to your main page. Then please link back to this post in your post so people know where to go if they’d like to join in.) (Any links not following those two guidelines will be deleted.)
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They are lucky. We are also lucky to have you, darling.
Sarah@EmergingMummy recently posted..In which I read the Book of Longing
That happens to me, too — when I get a glimpse of myself before children, and I think, “huh. I like that chick.” And then I realize that I am still her, just a little older, wiser. But that passion, the stories, the longings — they’re all there, if I’d just open my eyes and see. And I am glad, in better moments, that my kids have that chick. I just need to let her out to play a little more, so we can all hang out more often.
Kim Van Brunt recently posted..Family Day
Oh man, yes. One of my hopes is that I am a good enough mother that makes my kids the lucky ones. And then I pray that for all the kids and parents out there.
Adventures in Babywearing recently posted..Where am I?
Your children are very lucky and they will just keep getting luckier. One of the greatest gifts my parents gave me, that I hope I can pass along to my son, is they had lives outside of me. This made it so much easier for me to come and go and to have my own life without feeling their every hope and story was pinned on me.
Katybeth recently posted..February 20: Washington’s Birthday, Hoodie Hoo Day, Love Your Pet Day, Cherry Pie Day
Oh what a nice thought. So perfect. And they are. They are so very lucky. xo
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted..It’s Not My Life…
Love your last line. Perfect.
Lovely truth right here.
Not only that, but lovely truth that is so very rarely spoken, or looked at.
Galit Breen recently posted..Layers of Full
I love that thought because usually I think, “I hope I don’t ruin my kids!”
Woohoo! Way to go!
Gianna recently posted..Mama’s Strength
They ARE lucky, especially because they have a mother who knows that to love them, she must first love herself.
I love this entry. That’s so neat what your Grandpa said about your Grandma and so true. It’s easy to feel like, “I know everything about my husband and he knows everything about me”, but you’re right, there is always more to know! I think it’s also great what you said about your kids being lucky and I agree. As a parent we are always our own worst critic but it’s good to see the positives in our parenting. Your children are lucky! :) Thank you for a great writing that brought a tear to my eye! I just started reading your blog and I love it!
“Apparently we were people before we made people.” So true! And so easy to forget. So often it is all ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’ that I forget we are also ‘wife’ and ‘husband.’ And a dozen other things. Lovely reminder.
OH yes, you’re ALL so very lucky and blessed. I just adore that you paid the two of you a compliment! :)
Elaine recently posted..If wishes were horses then dreamers would fall… (and get back up again)
Your children are lucky~ a good reminder that we should compliment ourselves more.
That feeling is so awesome! I love when I feel like a mother I can be proud of. :)
Upstatemamma recently posted..I Can Do This
A wonderful thing indeed! I’m glad you got one of those, it’s all too rare.
Amber recently posted..Just Write: The Ordinary Edition.
my favorite idea in this post is that if you keep digging into someone, there are always more stories to tell. this puts such a hopeful, never ending twist on relationships, especially the life long ones.
adriana willey recently posted..marriage letters: opposites attract
Thanks for sharing this lovely post they are lucky that their mother is always their to give some love and support to them..
Arline recently posted..Looking For Animal Cremation Alberta?
Lucky, lucky indeed!
Tiffany recently posted..Growing Up
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