more blankets of snow
another blanket back on the bed for the coldest St Patrick’s Day in twenty years.
Today, a blizzard closes schools and we’ll wait on plows to clear the way. There’s so much to do and the blankets of snow and the harsh winds are back. This feels cruel, like a mean joke. Like I can’t take it anymore.
I’ll clear the driveway, not my mind. We’ll trudge through thick drifts to check on the chickens. Is the water frozen, yes, of course, again. No little warming box under the water is going to save it now. No blankets are keeping us warm. This is bone chilling and exhausting. Someone is coming for a second showing of our house.
Please buy it.
I have two pairs of socks on and I have writing to do. Due.
Am I whining? Probably.
Elsie is walking around the house saying Bapa and Daddy, her two favorite guys. They are not here. She says “bum” which is gum. Bapa and Daddy always have bum.
The boys are watching too much TV but they definitely don’t have too much vitamin D.
Elsie carries her doll around a lot, today. She doesn’t do this often. She prefers many other playtime activities, like emptying things out and walking around with snacks trailing behind her for the dog, on purpose. Legos and blocks. Mostly books. She talks softly to the baby and kisses the plastic cheek. Then she puts the baby down hard in a toy stroller with a UGH. She touches the baby’s head softly and then yells OH YEAH and picks it up by the arm, knocking it hard on the side of the table and throwing it up over her shoulder, its legs sticking out vertical. She turns her head and kisses the thigh, gets distracted and drops the baby to the ground with a thud. Walks away.
The man who brings our bottled water for the water cooler thingy just came. I said I can’t believe he’s out doing this in this weather and he tells me he can only drive on the roads in town. He says the houses outside of town will have to wait.
That’s just it, so much has to wait. Elsie wants the big bottles moved right away and I tell her no, they can sit there for a while. So she yells and yells because she doesn’t want to wait. I think I do that too, but mostly on the inside.
Even though waiting almost never turns out to have been a bad idea.
After she’s done having a fit, Elsie comes to me and puckers her lips, starts to make the mmmm of a kissing sound and then mwah finishes it on my cheek.
This is the 77th installment of Just Write, an exercise in free writing your ordinary and extraordinary moments. {Please see the details here.} I would love to read your freely written words so join me and link up below. You can add the url of your post at any time. Just be sure it’s a link to your Just Write post, not to your main page, and please don’t link to posts that are not freely written in the spirit of capturing moments–you know, don’t link to how-to lists or sponsored posts. Also, please link back to this post in your post so people know where to go if they’d like to join in.
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ugh. same here in wisconsin. i’m so, so done with this weather. boo.
tara pohlkotte recently posted..Reflection
I love this! The whole thing- just darn good writing!
Summer recently posted..Weekending!
I don’t know how you do it, the snow that is. Hoping Spring is on the way to you soon!!!
Elaine recently posted..It’s All Good
Your long-stretching winter trumps our long-stretching winter. HERE IS TO SPRING!
And more activity. Then we will wish for winter again (uh… never!) Ha!!
alita recently posted..Evergreen
I love what you said about waiting:
“Even though waiting almost never turns out to have been a bad idea.”
Jen @Martymom’s Musings recently posted..Just Write: This and That
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