Just Write {125}

March 4, 2014

I’ve been away, in San Diego, where it rained cats and dogs, unexpectedly. Well, we didn’t expect that, anyway. Not in San Diego, where people go to escape all kinds of weather. But we (my friend Sarah, and I) still thought it was beautiful, while we also got mad at the rain.

At one point, a palm tree fell just feet away from me, as the wind blew hard across and over the bay and into it. Boom, it said. And I gasped. The guy next to me, another conference attendee, said something about not seeing that every day. Or maybe it was just, Wow, I can’t remember.

I came back to sit by Sarah with two coffees, wet clothes, and a story about a fallen palm tree.

None of this really matters all that much, while it does, because it’s the sort of thing we’ll remember. But most of all, I think I’ll remember having the chance to sit just feet away from Anne Lamott and take her in, in person. Yes, she’s funny, and yes, she’s wise and yes, we learned a lot, about writing and life. Mostly, I think I learned the most about love, from her. She says things in a way that help you feel her heart, even if she’s just talking in her somewhat scattered way.

Speaking of love, I got home last night, after coming a day later than planned because I don’t pay attention to dates when booking flights (???) and anyway, there were ice storms in Dallas and I had to fly there first and all those flights were cancelled. Now Elsie is pressed up to my side as I type this. Her head is resting on my arm while she watches Curious George. She keeps touching me, being near, like she’s making sure I’m really here.

That’s why I am keeping this short. I want to tell you so much more, and hopefully I will soon. For now, love is calling. Besides, Elsie has now left my side and she’s in the bathroom pumping out hand soap like a job.


This is the 125th installment of Just Write, an exercise in free writing your ordinary and extraordinary moments. {Please see the details here.} I would love to read your freely written words so join me and link up below. You can add the URL of your post at any time. Just be sure it’s a link to your Just Write post, not to your main page, and please don’t link to posts that are not freely written in the spirit of capturing moments–you know, don’t link to how-to posts, lists or sponsored posts. Also, please link back to this post in yours so people know where to go if they’d like to join in.


Tricia March 4, 2014 at 11:18 am

Love is calling… love that line. Love calls often these days in my home, and I try to respond, even when it sounds like screaming and begging and whining…
Tricia recently posted..Checking on

rebecca@altaredspaces.com March 4, 2014 at 1:08 pm

I’m with Tricia, “Love is calling.” I know the dramatic moment in this piece is the palm tree falling and I’m thrilled (truly!) that you got to be with Anne Lamott because wow! I love her and I’d love to be at a conference with her some day.

But really, the best reason to have JUST written is so I can read those words, “love is calling.” These will stay with me.
rebecca@altaredspaces.com recently posted..my family is where I belong

Brandee Shafer March 4, 2014 at 2:50 pm

I’m just glad that my daughters aren’t the only ones gettinintastuff.
Brandee Shafer recently posted..The Just Before

Marta March 5, 2014 at 10:57 am

So glad that you got to meet Anne Lamott. What an amazing experience. And you should always go where love is calling. Much better than a computer/phone screen! (Says she who is attached to her phone screen)
Marta recently posted..Why I Don’t Talk About My Children.

Robbie March 6, 2014 at 10:02 am

I am jealous that you met Anne Lamott. I happened upon Operating Instructions a few months after having my first baby & now I give it to every new mom.
Robbie recently posted..Get You Thru

Laura March 7, 2014 at 9:38 pm

I adore Anne Lamott and her writing!

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