We spent the morning yesterday at Aamodt’s farm in Stillwater. Miles was in apple heaven. Not only was he sorrounded by apple EVERYTHING (donuts, pie, muffins, jams…) he was also with some of his favorite people! We met Aunt Laura, Ella, Otis, Uncle Kevin and Katie, and Uncle Pat. Miles got to ride little tractors, work a hay maze, throw apples and giggle his head off with the cousins. When we got to the car there were no objections, that boy was TIRED. Asher too, poor guy was so worn out he SCREAMED all the way home. Even though he slept most of the time, he practically spoke english with his screams, “It’s hot! I want my bed and some peace and quiet, people!” Along with the screams came Miles’ little voice asking, “where’d Otis go?” And then a few minutes later, “where’d Otis go?” Sometimes riding in the car is one of the hardest things in our current life (: I have never wanted to be able to beam us home more than in the last couple of months. Speaking of screaming, Asher is doing MUCH better – we think we’re in the home stretch with this colic thing! We highly recommend Aamodt’s farm for family fun! Great little place and a good way to support our local farmers. The apple pickin’ season is over, but there’s still lots to do there. While you’re there, have
a pumpkin muffin. Even though it’s not apple anything.
How do ya like them apples?
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