SOS and Other Bloggy News

September 5, 2008

*Update* Go check out Mama Manifesto today – there’s a contest, a great prize, and great ideas in the comments for books that help your kids learn valuable lessons. Yup, go check it out (but don’t forget to read about SOS below!)

A post of mine is up on the Bloggers Annex today! An honor indeed. If you haven’t checked out the Annex, please do! Anyone can join and submit posts. One post is chosen and featured every day. There’s always something good to read. Thank you, AnneX!

And now,

SOS = Soap Opera Sunday

Do you read Twas Brillig? Or is that just a silly question and now you’re saying “Of course!” Well I hope you are. I’m pretty sure Brillig has lived the fullest life of anyone her age on the planet. And when she tells her stories, your nose gets a bit glued to the screen, she’s amazing. Brillig and friend, Kateastrophe started SOS, asking people to write about a particular theme each month. Last month it was “First Kiss.” There were some pretty hilarious stories (and some heart-warming ones too).

Brillig recently asked for ideas for a September Soap Opera Sunday theme. I threw out an idea. She picked it! And that’s pretty cool if you ask me. But that’s not all…

I also get to host it! Right here on the EO. That’s fun for me, people. I’m a blog addict and not afraid to admit it.

So here’s the dealio. Or the themio. Or maybe I should just say:

September’s SOS theme is: “Three’s Company or Three’s a Crowd.”

If you’re not familiar with SOS, please read the rules here on Twas Brillig. She explains much better than I could, I’m sure of that. But in short, all you have to do is tell your story- One about you. A friend. And a boy. Or guy. Or man. Sometimes three’s a crowd and hurtful or embarrassing things happen, and sometimes Three’s Company, your friend supporting and encouraging your googly-eyed-lost-in-love state.

Once you’ve written your post, you’ll add it here (very easy). People will find it via Twas Brillig as well.

And now heeeeere’s Mr. Linky. He’ll be waiting patiently for your stories:

P.S. Don’t forget to link back here from your blog after you’ve written something. Then people will be able to come on over and read all the other good stories too.


Brillig September 5, 2008 at 12:11 pm

Yay! Congrats on your bloggers annex post! I’ll head over there as soon as I’m done here!

And Yay for SOS! This will be so fun. Thanks for hosting it– I LOVE your theme idea.

And as for your very kind comments about me, I had to laugh. If you could see me sitting here in my sweats, juggling my four kiddos– all of whom look like orphans this morning– you would see just how BORING I am! But shhh! I like your version of “Brillig” better than the real one! :-D

Kimberly September 5, 2008 at 12:28 pm

Congrats! So glad to see you get some much deserved bloggy attention!

Carla September 5, 2008 at 2:42 pm

Hey Heather,
Thank you very much for your sweet comments to me. I appreciate it. I am your neighbor across the St. Croix River in WI!! :)

I like your blog!!

Eowyn September 5, 2008 at 2:50 pm

Cool! Unfortunately a crazy weekend. I’ll be pondering for next weekend though.

charrette September 5, 2008 at 8:04 pm

This sounds so fun. And I have THE BEST story to go with your Three’s a Crowd theme. Actually several, but one is a slam-dunk. (I just have to get permission from a couple of folks to air their hilarious dirt.)

I read your post on the Annex. It was great! Congratulations. (Isn’t this like your THIRD post up there?) I think that makes you a rockstar!

And Brillig is pulling your leg! The fact that she juggles four kids only makes her all the MORE amazing!

Shellie September 6, 2008 at 5:42 pm

My contribution is a spillover finale to what happened with the first kiss theme. I’ll have to see if I can stand to relive the triangle thing and join in.

charrette September 8, 2008 at 1:07 am

Okay, I got permission to put up my scandalous post — at 11:30 Sunday night — just in the nick of time!

Kateastrophe September 8, 2008 at 1:25 pm

I’m late, but I’m playing!

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