Posted on Friday~March 6, 2009
Have you met Amber and Seth?
Amber is the gifted writer at The Run a Muck, and she also happens to be the recipient of the Mother Letter Project this past Christmas. Seth is her husband, the man behind The Mother Letter Project. (If you don’t know, the Mother Letter Project was an idea Seth had to have mothers write letters to mothers, sharing encouragement and advice. He then collected all the letters (hundreds and hundreds) and gave them to Amber for Christmas. Yes, WOW.)

You can read more about how writing your letter can help save lives at The Mother Letter Project blog. If you wrote a letter already for Amber’s gift, no worries, you can write another. Writing a mother letter for Mother’s Day would be the perfect gift, no? Every letter that’s written is another donation to the malaria fun. Please click on the link to learn more about how this works and to consider sharing your thoughts on motherhood for a very good cause. (PSSST! There’s a giveaway!)
Amber and Seth, I’m so glad to have “met” you here in blogland. You are truly inspiring people. I’ve loved reading your words (and tweets :) and hope to have the coffee with you one day soon.
(p.s. If I’ve gotten any of the above info. wrong, clarify in the comments, mkay?)
OH! And isn’t now the perfect time to FINALLY share this little piece of fabulous blog bling? Amber gave it to me about a gazillion years ago.
Thank you, Amber! YOU are quite fabulous yourself.
I would like to pass this on to Kazzy of Kazzy’s Ponderings. Because her blog really is fabulous! I love when she sings on Music Mondays and I love how her writing is always like poetry. Kazzy, you’re totally fab.
Happy Friday to all! Now go check out the Mother Letter Project and be inspired.
You and your blog are FABULOUS!!! :o)
Blogdania is a wonderful place! And Kazzy is a wonderful choice to pass that award along to! yay!
I’m submitting a letter. Thanks for telling us about it.
Hmm, I’ll have to check it out!
I will definitely have to check this project out! It sounds wonderful.
Call me Goose, cause I’m talking…
Heather, thanks. A million times thanks. I am so thankful that you and your readers are participating and helping this thing go “viral.” You are not ordinary. You are clearly extraordinary. I hereby dub you “Heater of the E.”
Thanks again, and thanks to your readers for jumping on board.
Kazzy totally deserves…her blog is fabulous.
And so are you.
And the Mother Letter project.
I can’t be sure, but I don’t think Mother Letter meant to call you warming appliance of the E up there. But maybe she did.
That project is awesome and glad to see that it’s spreading for a new cause.
AND glad to see Kazz getting some much deserved recognition. She is fab.
I will have to check this out, and possibly sumbit a letter.
I’ve been meaning to check out more about the Mother Letter project. thanks for the reminder!
I’ve stared at the Mother Letter button on more than one occasion – now I’ll click it.
(And I LOVE Kazzy – I second the fabulousness!)
This is just one more reason why I think you’re amazing, Heather. You seem to “root out” the goodness in the world and are not content until you’ve shared it and “infected” the rest of us with your natural instinct for kindness. Would that I were so inherently kind as you. Thank you for helping me to get there.
Cool! I am going to go check that out! And you so deserve that award, girl!
Awww shucks. I wish I looked like that lady on the award! sigh. Thanks, friend, and I am on my way to check out the link. With a son currently living in Africa I am all over the Malaria concern. Thanks again!
Ummm… sorry for the typo. I’ll try not to call you a heater again.
Love it, I am going to be stopping by again.–take care,Renee
So glad to have found The Run Amuck from you! Great link!
I’ve been meaning to write a Mother Letter, but was feeling inept when I first heard about it. Glad for another kick in the pants on that because I’m sure I have SOMETHING to say. And so glad you awarded my fabulous friend Kazzy. She is fabulous. And even more so in real life!
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