Posted on Monday~ March 31, 2009Miles returned from a trip to the home improvement store with Daddy, holding an empty Blizzard cup. Apparently he knows that I like him to eat healthy and not have too much sugar because the first thing he said was, “Mom, this is just a cup of ice and it comes with a spoon so you can scoop up the ice and eat the ice it’s just ice.”
So we talked about lying. I asked him to look at me and told him I don’t mind if he has ice cream. I said he can always tell me the truth. Then I asked him what he had eaten and he said,
I suppose that’s progress, getting just a little closer to the truth?
He’s sitting at the table drawing pictures and he asks me to tell him a story about what he’s drawing. So I asked him what the drawing was and (of course) he said, “A monster.”
So I made a lame attempt at telling a story.
Miles promptly interrupts and says, “No, that’s not the story! The story is that the monster comes to eat us but I came flying in because Buzz Lightyear helped. And I didn’t know what to do so I was Superman so I wiped off his mouth with cardboard.”
Oh. I’m sorry. I don’t know how I could have gotten that story wrong.
Miles actually waited patiently for about a minute and then he gently said, “Mom, you forgot to unbuckle yus.” I told him that I just needed a little more time and he asked why. I said I was thinking about baby Stellan. He sat quietly for another minute and I thought about how we’ve talked a little bit about Stellan, when we’ve prayed for him. But I was wondering if Miles really understands that sort of thing. I’ve simply told him that Stellan’s heart isn’t working right so the doctors are trying to fix it.
Then he said, “Mommy…I’m sad about that baby because that baby didn’t do anything to have his heart not work right.”
(Pregnant pause while I fight the tears and try to think of what to say.)
“You’re right honey, that’s what makes it especially sad.”
You know what? Winter is rude.. very rude.
Wow this one gave me chills. Stellans story is quite sad. However we must be strong and know that Gods will is in the works no matter what that might be.
Love and Prayers,
You have such a sweet little guy, there.
Miles really gets to the heart of things. Rude Winter indeed!
Milk. What a funny boy.
And he should write children’s books. You know, once in a while I read a children’s book and wonder what in the world the author was thinking. Really, though, I only just realized after reading this post that those books are very much like the stories kids come up with. (but they’re 100 thousand times cuter and more clever when they come from your own kid’s mouth)
The nice thing about winter by the beach is that in general it’s very polite.
I love reading these.
I also love talking to my son.
Nina, her response to everything is “I know.”
Where as Nick he wants to chew the fat…
The milk thing made me laugh too! and yes I agree winter is RUDE can’t it just be DONE already?
His comment about Baby Stellan totally pricked my heart. He isn’t just clever, that boy of yours has a big heart.
Oh he is precious!!! :) I love his words.
Can you even imagine the crazy things Jay and Miles could learn from each other?? :)
love that kid!! so are you saying that my daily blizzards are bad for me? it is, after all, just lots of milk!
I suppose it is rude for winter to overstay its welcome…
Kids sometimes just Get It don’t they?
PS we are usually going to Wal Mart when we’re in the car…
And tell Miles I hear him. Winter is RUDE!
He’s so smart he scares me. Wait–he’s your child. Okay, good. Phew!
Oh how I love your mouth of Miles days! :) He is one sharp little boy.
We are praying for baby Stellan, too… so heart-breaking.
Thanks, Miles. I needed your words o’ wisdom today. And I think winter’s one rude dude too.
Winter is beyond RUDE!!!!!!!
You’re going to be so glad you wrote all these things down someday. Thanks for sharing!
I love all of the sweet little things kids say! What a doll he is.
Wise, wise little man. Especially about winter’s rudeness.
When my ten year-old (my baby) knows I have been or AM crying he always stares at me and then touches my arm. Kids are so in tune with the spirit.
I’ve really got to write down more of what my little one is saying… these are precious memories.
I’ve been thinking about little Stellan and his Momma a lot too… oh and winter? definitely rude!
Loved this!
Oh I love the things that come from little kid’s mouths. Those comments about Stellen were just priceless.
You’re going to really love posts like these when he’s a teenager and calling you unfair….
I’m not sure how your brain works because that line about wiping the monster’s mouth with cardboard was a given. How could you not have seen that coming?
And on a serious note, his statement of empathy for baby Stellan was so touching.
My new mantra. Winter is rude.
Miles rocks.
we should just let kids be in charge of everything.
I think Miles and I should give ol’ Winter a good talking to. And we should get together when Spring comes and celebrate. And eat Blizzards.
Hating the winter too. We got another 6 inches of snow last night and it’s pretty much gone by now. But it’s still cold.
Spring, anyone?
I love that you’ve written down all these little exchanges with the kids. It’s those small moments that are so easily forgotten yet so precious.
I’ll say a prayer for Baby Stellan too.
winter is RUDE is right!! i love your sweet kids’ way of thinking and saying!!
Winter rudely dropped snow on us this weekend. I wonder what Miles would say about that? I could have used his help trying to keep it away!
I love your Miles posts. I have to start doing them with Alex. Today he said, “I farted a lot at school today because we had beans.” Then he smiled real big. My daughter never said things like that! Oh wait, yes she did!
It is so wonderful to see the entire blogging community supporting MckMama and her family through this trying time. Your heartfelt post was especially touching. I too have been sending my thoughts and prayers out for Stellan.
It reads like a winter of your discontent. I’ve had 2 cold winters on a row – going on the third winter, you find yourself frozen and don’t know where to turn, now that’s exceptionally rude!
I sometimes think that I don’t give my children enough credit when it comes to serious things. I think they understand a lot more than I want to think they do. They also have a much more pure outlook about things.
I’m with him on the winter thing.
He is ridiculously cute. And so in tune with what’s truly up- what he said about Stellan. Whoa, you weren’t the only one to well up.
Such a beautiful boy. Squish him for me.
Winter IS rude! Like a visiting relative that just won’t go home.
And it’s not fair about Stellan. We are praying for him constantly too.
ah so sad, the realness of bad things happen to good people. He gets it.
Winter is being incredible rude this year.
So let me see if I can get this right. You are raising an honest son with artistic talent and compassion? Not to mention a keen sense of when a season has overstayed its welcome? You are wonderful:)
Miles, you rock! And I totally agree that winter is very rude! she doesn’t know when to leave, and when she is not welcome anymore!
I am right there with the boys, and the dog———looking, waiting for spring——–waiting,
Our little ones are more in tune than we give them credit for some times. And I agree totally…winter is RUDE!
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