I am very stylish in my head. Especially while browsing Pinterest. But in real life, I have a tendency to keep my style in my head and out of my closet and off my body. (Truth be told, even my “My Style” pinboard on Pinterest is anemic.) Maybe it’s mostly this season of parenting, but I’m more of a, OH look! I got out of my yoga pants and into jeans! kind of girl.
Also. I don’t love shopping. I consider it a chore and I make it SNAPPY. In the store, off the rack, DONE.
When I was pregnant with Elsie, everyone was all, OH I bet you’re having so much fun shopping for a girl! And I was all, uuuuum…yeaaaah. Of course, now that she’s here, it is more fun to dress her than I thought, but I will also admit that I’m totally not an overly ruffly-frilly-pinky lover. (You know, a ruffly-frilly-pinky lover–that’s totally a thing. I think it’s on wikipedia because of course I would never make up words or terms.)
Do you know what I do think is totally freaking adorable and also rad?
A little girl in vintage-inspired or actual vintage or second-hand or…you get the idea.
SO. When Elsie actually gets out of footie pajamas, this is how she rolls…
NOTE: All blur due to constant movement, NOT poor photography skills. No, never that.
green ruffle butt pants – Goodwill
orange giraffe shirt – zulily
sweater – Cherokee from Goodwill
{I’m joining in with Mama Loves Papa and Small Style today for the first time.}

Oh, the ruffle butt! My daughter had so many of those pants and I loved them so much. Elsie is so adorable.
Holli recently posted..Randoms
Dude, I’m going to go see if I can find those toes on ebay.
Ann recently posted..Another JUST FRIENDS Valentines for yours truly, Medusa.
That girl would look cute in anything! Just like her mama!
My girl is casual as well. I am not a big wiki word mom myself, but I am loving those butt ruffles. I am always a fan of butt ruffles.
Jessica recently posted..Randomly Yours, Tagged
So sweet! I love those pants!
Adventures In Babywearing recently posted..Nerdmonster
Agreed, agreed, agreed. On the shopping thing (hate it) and the almost-kind-of-dread-rather-than-anticipation-at-dressing-a-girl and the love of vintage. And your daughter is absolutely adorable!!! I love the ruffle butt. Eva had a pair like than until she destroyed them with all her butt scooting. Now she mostly lives in her footie pajamas because I’m just trying to keep my head above water and I see no need to change her clothes. Ever. Unless the stains get too big and other moms start looking at me sideways.
Barb recently posted..Call Me Nutty
Well, there is good news for those of us who like to keep our wardrobes simple (jeans are a stylish day here). If your cutie there is anything like mine, you’ve got maybe another year to choose her clothes. After that, ‘I do it’ kicks in. And, somehow, both my girls have their own fierce sense of style. I can’t even shop for them. If they don’t choose it, it won’t be worn.
Enjoy the ruffles. Enjoy picking colors.
I was SO excited to have a girl for the clothing options but we are not THAT frilly here either. But yeah, I did take full advantage of the ruffle butt when I could. It’s just too cute to resist! :-) And Goodwill is one of our fave places to get the goods too!
Elaine recently posted..Beaucoup de Chiens
She is too cute for words! She can pretty much rock anything. I am pretty sure we are all Fashion stars on Pinterest:)
Shannon from mynewfavoriteday recently posted..“Sweet-heart friends.” Tell us about yours and win a beautiful ‘Sweetheart’ necklace.
She’s adorable!!! Jealous that Nic gets to love on a baby and it’s not mine! LOL
She’s lovely. We don’t do much pink-ness in our house…Olive Ann (2) wears a lot of grey…and black, actually. And a lot of vintage.
However, when my oldest, Lydia (16) was four, I remember her saying: ‘Mum, black is not my favourite colour.’ And so began the princess phase. At that point we were home schooling, which is good because she lived in a vintage princess tulle-infested ball gown for years. So…beware!
Really glad to have found your blog and super interested in hearing more of your story.
flannery o’kafka recently posted..Riverside Museum, Glasgow
I’m totally stoked that you’re joining Small Style. I came by your site and fell in love with Just Write via Steph at Adventures in Babywearing. So now, Thursdays are like a conglomeration of some of my favourite bloggers. Hooray!
Erica @ Expatria, Baby recently posted..48/366
YAY! Thank you so much for linking up!
I love everything about your sweet girl- her name, her style, and, of course, those cheeks!
I actually came over here to check out Just Write. I was thinking it was on Tuesdays and was planning to link up tomorrow. Hmm. I’ll definitely be linking up next week. I love, love, love this idea!
Hi Morgan! Thank you! Yes her cheeks are quite lovable ;) and you’re right about Just Write. It’s officially on Tuesday. I just sometimes get the linky thingy up the night before for the early birds. Then it’s open all week. Not that you have to do it, just explaining! :)
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