soul pull

February 6, 2012

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a love story

I was invited to tell the story of Ryan and Heather in the a love story series with Danielle Burkleo and I said, Why yes, I’d be happy to. (Psssst! Danielle is so totally rad and so is her blog, Take Heart.)

So anyway, if you head over there you’ll read about a moment in time that was all of our moments…

My heart and soul were pulling past my ribs and reaching for him, that’s what it felt like and it was so palpable it was playing from the stage and in my mind, bringing the questions…

You can read the rest over at Take Heart

(I think that post will be my Valentine to Ryan

because our souls are still doing that thing they did

even when we don’t know it.)


Kate February 6, 2012 at 8:57 am

I can’t comment on the other post because it’s not set up for an independent without a host.

BUT….. Heather, this is the real stuff, what makes a ‘one flesh’ marriage out of two imperfect souls. This spoke to me, to the depths of the muscle that powers my life {{and his}} and I try to put it in to words {{because we’re facing down our TENTH anniversary… and WHAT???}} and I have failed, where you have nailed.

Thank you, again. It’s all beautiful.
Kate recently posted..whole grain banana ricotta bread

Heather February 6, 2012 at 9:17 am

Yes. The real stuff. It’s ALL about the real stuff.

Thank YOU. You encourage me and my understanding of life and love grows with your words. xo

Jenn February 6, 2012 at 9:18 am

Very nice, Heather. I heard a good love story the other day. One of my co-workers, a man, told me that even though he was feeling yucky with one of the upper respiratory ills, he let his wife take the Nyquil last night so she could get some rest and he was up every hour with the baby who was also suffering the same stuffiness. It’s not wine and roses, but coming up on Valentine’s Day, I’m not sure I could have come up with something more about love. :)

Jamie February 6, 2012 at 9:30 am



Jamie recently posted..Things They Say

DeNae February 6, 2012 at 12:44 pm

I don’t know how you do it, this poetic, lyrical spinning of words and thoughts. But that was absolutely gorgeous.

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