Just Write 156

October 7, 2014

There was a cookies-n-cream fluffy pie with chocolate cookie crumble crust tucked behind things in the fridge. The boys found it, of course, and asked to have some. I told them from the other room to each have ONE small piece, and they did.

Well, they were actually really big pieces.

What was left was a “piece” of pie so small, it was less than Elsie Sized.

She didn’t know yet, but I left it on the counter until she noticed, because what child never notices a pie tin at eye level?

What’s that!? She ask-yelled.

Oh that? I said. That, is what’s left of the pie after Brothers got a hold of it.

Then I grabbed a fork and I sat down right there on the kitchen floor. She came over quick, down to her knees halfway to me, scooting along full-force. I met her with the fork in the air, and she beamed looking right into my eyes with her ginormous blue ones. I gave her that bite and she said,

OH, I love you, Mommy, and I love this treat…

I love you too, Elsie.

We took turns with the bites until there was one really big bite left. It was my turn, but she reached in and picked it up with her fingers and just like that it was gone, half on her mouth and half in it. She smiled, showing too much pie. I laughed and started to stand with the pie tin in my hand and she grabbed that too. She put it up to her face and started to lick it, and I let her, watching the whipped cream from the edges as it met her bangs.

When she pulled the treat away and shot me a look, I knew; she will remember this-unplanned, freeing, connecting, unscheduled, not forced, no tickets or reservations–just us and time. These are the moments that stick like cream to the hair. The moments when we can say yes without saying a word.


This is the 156th installment of Just Writean exercise in free writing your ordinary and extraordinary moments. {New here? Please see the details.} I would love to read your freely written words so join me and link up below. You can add the url of your post at any time. Just be sure it’s a link to your Just Write post, not to your main page. (Then link back to this post in your Just Write post so people know where to go if they’d like to join in.) (Any links not following those two guidelines will be deleted.)

Also. Please take a moment to visit someone else who has linked up! It’s a really good way to meet new writers and get inspired by the meaning behind their moments. Word?


Tina October 7, 2014 at 3:06 pm

Beautiful moment documented!

Hannah October 8, 2014 at 9:07 am

Hehe. Her stealing the last bite made me laugh. Thanks for sharing this story. It reminded me that the small moments count and not just the big ones.
Hannah recently posted..Just Write 156: My Lovely Home

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